First things come first so I'm going to open this list of advices on how to care for hair extensions with something that ought to be as important as brushing your teeth each morning. Humidity is high in summer but the sun is hot and too much sun can damage your hair as well as your skin. Brushes with natural bristles help redistribute oils from the scalp to the rest of the hair and also conduct less static than plastic brushes and combs. Wear a tight-fitting swim cap and use a specially formulated swimmers shampoo and deep conditioner after swimming to replace lost moisture. Each of these styles are generally low maintenance, and if maintained properly will allow you to preserve as much of your hair as possible throughout the winter months. Regular exercise, plenty of sleep and a good diet will keep your hair growing beautifully.

If you can't limit sun exposure, try to apply a conditioner to your hair that contains sunscreen after shampooing. Overuse of heat or chemicals (which is often a part of styling) can rip the hair off its lustre and eventually lead to hair thinning. Shampoo your black hair as often as you feel necessary but only lather once, using a small amount of shampoo. With naturally curly hair, I need to tame the curls and the frizz before anything else. There are various hair care tips all that you can accomplish sitting at home and it begins with limiting exposing your hair to sun.

Wait at least 48 hours after coloring hair to shampoo it. Every time you wet hair you open the cuticle - so give hair time to seal in the color. To add a beautiful shine to your hair dilute apple-cider vinegar in water (one part vinegar to seven parts water) and rinse your hair with it after you shampoo. Honey has wonderful properties that can give your hair a lustrous look and on top of that, it is known for its antiseptic properties, making it a good natural anti-microbial for your hair.

DO wash your hair only when it is dirty, but know that thinner hair generally gets grimier faster than thicker hair. This will ensure that the blood circulation to the scalp is good when you are sleeping (we all know that our hair grows the most while we are sleeping). Use a shampoo that leaves your hair feeling clean and silky, but not heavy, greasy, or filmy.

Avocado can also be used to get thicker hair as it moisturizes and adds body to your hair. Because conditioners can make fine hair look limp, they only should be used on the tips of the hair and not on the scalp or length of the hair. Use an intensive moisturising shampoo which will cleanse without excessive rubbing (which will damage the hair more) and follow with a hot oil Conditioner for natural black hair.

You could get pony tail styled dreadlocks attachments if you want to wear your hair as a fashion statement for a while. The mixture of all these herbs gives rise to a wonderful product that keeps your hair thick, strong and attractive. Whether excessive use of chemicals on the hair or any other factors, hair loss is caused due to the loosening or weakening of the roots.

If the humidifier is located in the bedroom, your hair can benefit from 8 hours of added moisture every night. You can also leave the oil on your hair overnight and then shampoo your hair the next morning. I found it very odd that this list wasn't put together by a black girl with natural hair. Apply this hair mask on freshly shampooed hair and allow it to sit for at least 20 minutes.

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